Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Some of us are very good at helping others. Some people can put others on their backs, and carry them when they need to. Many of us can find strength and resolve we never knew we possessed when our children or family members or any loved ones are in crisis.
Yet so many of us struggle at times to do the simplest things for ourselves. We procrastinate, we make excuses, we ignore the things we need to make us happy. But why?
Why is it we won't give up and we won't back down when it comes to helping others, but we constantly let ourselves down again and again? Sometimes we give our all to people that only hurt us or take advantage of us, while treating ourselves so poorly.
The stars can't tell you why that is. There are so many reasons that we are harder on ourselves than we are on anyone else. There is guilt and sadness and trauma and anger and so much self hatred at times, and usually for no reason or fault of our own.
Perhaps we think we can redeem our crimes and broken hearts by selflessly giving only to others, but if you aren't being kind to yourself in the process you will never be satisfied.

The stars advise you to help yourself first, then you can really help others work towards the light you've already found, because you'll already know the way.

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