Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that being human also means being humane. The stars weep when they see the way we treat each other, but they become enraged when they see the way we treat animals. In the stars eyes, animals are like children. They don’t understand cruelty or neglect. They are innocent, at our mercy, and if we aren’t going to protect them, who is?
The stars are not naive. They know about the food chain, and they know most people eat animals, and that’s life. What they don’t understand is why that can’t all be accomplished humanely. Well, they do understand, and the reason is money. Trace most things wrong with society back and you find that the chief cause is greed. Living things are treated like a commodity, with no regard for their well being or safety.
The same holds true for unscrupulous breeders and pet shops, putting money before the welfare of the animals they deal in. Many zoos and circuses, too. Even if you can somehow justify the mistreatment of animals because you somehow view them as less important than human, the stars want to point out that many of the greedy sociopaths treat people with the same disdain.
For every law or ordinance protecting animals, there are hundreds more put in place to protect workers, children and consumers, because those in charge don’t care about people either. Robber barons would work adults and children to death in their factories and mines until we put a stop to it. There are constant complaints and laws broken when it comes to the safety of our food, or cars, or healthcare, or pretty much anything that we get through any system where money is to be made.
The stars warn you to never trust anyone with your well being that doesn’t care about an animal’s well being. If someone is incapable of having empathy for living things that are innocent and at our mercy, then they are less than human. If they hunt for sport, if they show no hesitation whatsoever about killing an animal that is some sort of inconvenience, if they would simply surrender or euthanize a pet because they decide that they don’t want the responsibility anymore, then they are missing something important. Eventually that something will turn it’s barrel on you, and you will find that you don’t matter either. That the stars can predict with 100% certainty.
The stars don’t expect any herculean effort on your part. They don’t expect you to become a vegan or a eco terrorist, or start a rescue in your living room. They just expect you to be compassionate, like you should. Stand up for those who don’t have a voice, and what better fits that description than an animal? Demand humane treatment for the creatures that you eat, and take care of the ones for which you assumed responsibility, up until their dying breath. Support rescue and rehabilitation efforts, if you can. It is sad that some of us have to make up for the crimes and shortcomings of others, but that’s just the way it is.
And for the people that know all this already, and cherish their pets and care for all living things, the stars commend you. It might seem like common sense and decency to feel the way you do, but there are many that are incapable of it. When you do your part, you are actually doing more than most people even expect from themselves, so the stars thank you. So love your animals extra hard, and hold them close to your heart, because by mostly luck of the draw they ended up with you rather than chained alone in a yard, or living a feral existence, or on a farm used for fur or meat, or in a dog fighting ring. They are safe in your arms, and as lucky as they are, you are luckier for having their love. Like the stars said, anyone with a heart already understands that.

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