Today's Horoscope
All signs:
Today someone will do something unexpected. Or will they? Perhaps they will do the same thing they always do and you will rationalize it once again. Maybe they will behave in the exact way you knew they would all along, but didn't want to admit. Maybe, you will just write it off and be just as surprised the next time when they repeat the behavior.
Many of us go through our lives acting out a game with ourselves. We put up with disappointing behavior from those we love. We constantly hope for a different outcome, but we never really get it, and we tell ourselves that it's just the way it goes.
We make excuses for them, and for us too. We live in a constant state of indecision and suffer through feelings of inadequacy and doubt. We wonder if it's something we're doing wrong, and sometimes we convince ourselves it's what we deserve.
Sure, there are plenty of times when people are just tired, or overlook something, or simply feel like doing something selfish and for themselves. You can't expect others to live their lives for you 24/7, and you can't expect them to read your mind. You have to make allowances now and then.
But if you find yourself making allowances and excuses for someone over and over, then maybe that person is not for you. It might be that they are a pretty horrible person, it might be that they have mental health issues, or it might just be that they are not the right person for you. Be it friend or lover, sometimes people turn out to be something other than what we thought they were.
Instead of moving on, we cling to them and try to convince ourselves that they are what we want, and that things will be better tomorrow, but they seldom are. We try to make them something they're not, and we're hurt when they just keep on being themselves.
It's your job to decide what you want from those around you, and then figure out if you're getting it. If you're not, chances are you're not going to. Even the best people are going to be true to who they are. Some people hate who they are, but their lives have lead them to a place where they can't be anything else. They are trapped inside themselves, and they try so hard to be what they think they should, but they can't do it. Not for long.
Just because they can't escape who they are doesn't mean you can't. Figure out what your needs are and go find people capable of meeting them. And if you're one of those people trapped in your own head and hating that you can't live up to your or anyone else's expectations… maybe don't try. Be who you are, as long as you're not hurting yourself or anyone else. There are very few absolute right and wrong things in this world. People come in all manner of flavors and varieties, and just because one person lives one way doesn't mean you can't live another.
Own up to who you are, and accept it if someone else isn't what you want them to be. Stop punishing yourself or someone else just because things aren't conforming to some weird ideal you forged in your head.
Most stars are surrounded by planets, and many of those planets are scorched and barren. Other planets are too far out, or their star is weak, and they are frozen wastelands. Occasionally one or two planets are a perfect fit with their star, and their atmosphere and magnetic field and fiery core enable them to flourish and grow. The thing is, planets and stars are paired up through the whims of the universe and physics. They have no choice.
We can choose what stars we orbit around. We can elect to be warm and comfortable, basking in the glow of a star that nurtures us and makes us bloom. Or we can forever dance around an inferno, burning and scalding us, or sit too distant from a cold, barely glowing orb, forever in the cold.
As with all things, choose wisely, or you might be in for a long, unhappy ride.