Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All signs:
Today someone will disagree about something you like.  It might be a TV show, a movie, music, a political stance, a moral choice, whatever.  Get over it.  Don’t get defensive, don’t take it personally, don’t feel the need to defend yourself vigorously.  
It seems nowadays people are all on edge and loaded for bear about every little thing.  That is understandable in some ways, as public discourse these days seems to always be in the form of a shouting match and name calling.  We seem to be taking our cues from pundits and other showmen on what passes for news these days, and we’re better than that.  
Someone that thinks differently is not your enemy, it is simply someone that has a different perspective due to the information they received and processed through the messed up filter in their head, as opposed to the fucked up job your internal filter did on your shit.  Everyone has a huge amount of tiny and large incidents and interactions over their lifetime which forms their views, so no two people are ever going to agree on everything.  
So why do we expect everyone to see things our way?  Because we all have some bizarre evolutionary drive that tells us we are right and everyone else is wrong.  Call it ego, or an inborn attempt to propagate your genes through natural selection, but it is usually the wrong way to get along in society and reach a compromise on anything.  
Now don’t get me wrong.  There are a lot of idiots out there, but there are also a lot of people that never learned anything different, or weren’t exposed to critical thinking, so you might have to cut them a little slack now and then.  Of course, there are times when you’re the idiot too, but that’s nearly impossible to recognize.  We are all so fucking sure of ourselves all the time about shit that doesn’t matter and so unsure of ourselves when it comes things that make or break us personally.  
Someone who is completely self conscious and full of doubt about a serious life issue that paralyses them in fear will still have no problem telling you why you are dead fucking wrong about Third Eye Blind or Obama’s birth certificate.  
In many instances there is no right or wrong, just personal taste, so why are we arguing about something with no correct answer or defending something that can’t really be defended? Sometimes people don’t express themselves well and it seems like an attack, but it’s not.  It is simply someone telling you some insignificant opinion they have about their interpretation of something they like or don’t like.  Nothing more.
Instead we should discuss things, have our counterpoints but keep them civil and don’t make it personal.  Then maybe we could see the other person’s point and gain a little perspective you didn’t possess before and grow a little.  Even if it doesn’t change your mind, you can at least understand where someone else is coming from.
Just like the stars.  Many of them exist in binary systems, forever locked in a dance with another, being pushed and pulled and still making a solar system where everything still goes around like clockwork, stable and intricate and beautiful. Together they all make up the night sky, working in unison to create all you can see for 14 billion light years in all directions.  

Pick up a pizza on the way home.  Your spouse has enough shit to do with the holidays, give them a break.

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