Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's horoscope

All signs:
At times in your life you will feel that you've failed someone. This happens, no one is perfect. When it does happen, you have to try to make it right and ask for forgiveness. I'm talking about one particular type though.
What you have to keep in mind that there are different types of failure that can affect another person. There are horrible, catastrophic, abusive, life altering things you can inflict on someone else, but I'm not talking about that.
Then there are things that are your fault completely, but they aren't terrible, unforgivable things. They are minor transgressions, maybe not so minor, but they are mostly lapses in judgement or selfish behavior that causes no lasting trauma beyond hurt feelings and a slight betrayal. I know some people can't accept the notion of “slight betrayal”, but it's true. You still owe the other person an apology, and you may need to prove yourself again. I'm not talking about that either.
The thing I'm talking about is when you feel you've failed someone, but in reality you've done nothing wrong. There are people everywhere that have had others fail them in those major, catastrophic ways. They are fucked up, plain and simple, and in a lot of ways that's not all their fault. They are dealing with shit that has them broken and scared, and in being that way they are playing by a whole different set of rules.
If you are going to have one of these people in your life, you have to understand this, and you have to adopt a whole unique way of dealing with them and making allowances and altering your behavior. It's a lot to ask.
Now, what you have to realize is that there is no way for you to traverse that mine field unscathed. Many of these people see the world as a place fraught with danger, and the fact that you seem to care and love them makes it all the more scarier for them. They are just waiting for you to screw up and prove to them that you will let them down just like everyone else has.
When this happens, the person you usually fall most is yourself. You have spent so much time tip toeing around their delusions that you convince yourself that your perfectly normal and justified behavior is somehow wrong and you blame yourself.
Step back and think about it and see if that's the case. If you're not sure, ask a friend or family member you can trust. If it turns out that you're beating yourself up for nothing, then stop doing it. It's not helping you or the other person. And if it keeps happening, you might have to get that other person out of your life, no matter how much it hurts. At least stop investing so much of yourself in a one sided and warped relationship, or one day you may find that you've become something you're not and then you really will have failed yourself in a profound and major way. Don't lose track of yourself.
If you're not true to yourself, what have you got? You can be whatever you want, but the stars marked you at birth with some very definite traits, and we spend our whole lives trying to figure out what they are. When we do we usually find that we knew the answer all along. After all, it's written in the sky…

Vacuuming doesn't just mean cleaning around things, move some shit once in awhile and clean it right.

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