Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
Today is the first day of the new year. The stars have aligned and some planet is in retrograde or whatever. What that means is what it means every new year's day. Every day, in fact.
It means that the eternal machinations of the cosmos have afforded you yet another chance to tidy up the loose ends of your life and improve yourself and find happiness and solve world peace.
Okay, that's a little much, but seriously, you do have another chance to get it right. The stars, in their billions of years of existence, learned the value of patience, and taking everything in stride. They fret when they see us pressure ourselves into trying to achieve instant results, and sigh I'm sadness when we fail yet again.
So this year, the stars want you to know that you can start off by just changing one little tiny thing. Not wholesale change. Just tweak some aspect of your life that you're dissatisfied with. Maybe eat a little less junk food or give up soda one meal a day. Maybe go for a walk one night a week. Just some little thing that is easy to do but will make you feel a infinitesimal bit better about yourself.
Then, when you feel up to it, add another tiny thing.  And then another. Soon they will become habit, and you won't even notice that the changes you could never quite commit to are in reach. Slowly but surely these little things will add up, and before you know it the big scary things you've been avoiding will be taking care of themselves.
Don't misunderstand, it won't be easy. Just easier. It will still be a conscious decision, and a little bit of work, but we're not scared of a little work, are we? Especially with the potential reward that awaits us.
Once you understand things on a grand scale, things start to make sense. The universe is decaying, as are we all. Death awaits us, none of us can escape it. Eventually, everything will end. But so what? Human civilization exists as a mere blip on the timeline of the universe, and yet it has been here for millennia and will go on long after you're gone. A lifetime can seem short, but it's more than enough time to accomplish amazing things and for you to leave your mark and have your memory live on forever. A lifetime of love, joy, and a thousand little moments that are a gift greater than we can imagine.
The stars understand things on the grandest scale, and they want you to know that it will be alright and that you can do it. If not today, tomorrow. Don't let anything hold you back, especially yourself.
The stars know that every day is new year's day, and another chance to start that long climb towards the light. So let's get going already.


What do you mean you haven't gotten a 2016 calendar yet? They have them at the dollar store, for cryin out loud.

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