Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you might find yourself doing some good deed and feeling proud of yourself. We should be proud of ourselves when we do good, there's nothing wrong with that. When we help others less fortunate, when we help a person or an animal in distress, when we are there for someone that needs it, or fight for a cause for those that have no voice, it's too be congratulated. It could be something as simple as holding a door for someone or as serious as saving a life. All good deeds matter.
The stars do not tell you to feel humble about it either. One of the reasons people do good deeds is because it makes you feel good about yourself. That's your reward, and you've earned it. You have every right to hold your head up and high five yourself. Most of the time no one else is going to notice your good deed anyway, so don't do them expecting rewards. Do them because it's the right thing to do, and give yourself credit.
All that said, you have to be careful you don't get carried away with yourself. Sometimes you see demons where there aren't any, and you fight for a cause when there is none. The world is full of people with misguided intentions, and while they think they are fighting the good fight they are merely making a mess of things. People can do the right thing for the wrong reasons, but also the wrong thing the the right reasons. It's not a good deed if its at the expense of other people.
If the sole reason you are doing something nice is to pat yourself on the back and show the world how wonderful you are, you're not that wonderful. You're selfish, and a borderline egomaniac. There are some people that get into charity work so that they can stand around with a bunch of others and form a mutual admiration society to reassure themselves that they are good people. That's not the reason you help others.
Helping others is hard work, and I'm proud to know a good many people that really help others and make a difference. They are to be commended, and they seldom are, because most of their work goes unnoticed because they don't advertise it. They don't do it so others see them as some sort of social warrior or condescending do gooder, they do it because it's the right thing to do.
There are a lot of people that talk about helping and caring, and there are people that are actually out there doing it. And if you can't get out there and do it, give your support and maybe a few dollars to those that are.
And give yourself a well deserved pat on the back for actually making a difference.

Happy Birthday!

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