Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today’s Horoscope:

All signs:
You will be an insensitive jerk at some point today.  It’s okay, it happens.  Don’t sweat it.  What you should sweat is your reaction.  If you offend someone or upset them, don’t spend the next ten minutes yelling at them for how they feel, or berating them for not thinking correctly.  Just acknowledge that you offended them and say that you’re sorry.  It’s not for you to decide what is offensive or hurtful to someone else.  Why do you need to make it worse by proving in some way that you are right and they are wrong?  You hurt them, fucking apologize and don’t be a douchebag.  Let go of your ego, let go of your embarrassment or annoyance at something that isn’t important.  If you find later that it is that important, bring it up then in a non-combative way and discus it then.  You’ll both be much happier.

All signs:
You will lose your  patience today.  Someone in line at the post office will make you want to start punching people in the back of the head.  Some idiot in his car will have his turn signal on for two miles, or be driving too slow or too fast and you’ll wish you had a machine gun.  Some total dickwad will be wearing a stupid sweater and your head will explode.  It happens to all of us, no matter how at peace you are and how much yoga and meditating you do. Let that shit go too.  It’s just little bits of aggravation that come and go in a flash.  Only thing is, they don’t always go. Sometimes they build up inside and they do something to you.  Which brings us to our last prediction for the day…

All signs:
You will get a lousy feeling in your stomach.  It might be heartburn, it might be butterflies, it might be cramps, it might be diarrhea, but at some point today you will stop and  put your hand on your abdomen and make a strange sound and probably wince.  That is the result of all the shit you did to yourself over the course of the day.  All the unnecessary anger you felt and now you can’t even remember the cause. All the worrying you did over something that happened or didn’t happen whether you worried or not.  Anything you said or did and felt bad or guilty about and it’s been eating at you all day.  Any situation where someone did something to you and you took it and now it sticks in your craw.  All stuff that you consciously made a decision to let affect you.  You can’t always stop yourself from making a bad move or doing something crappy or worrying about an abstract(or very real) fear, but you can control how you deal with it and how you let it make you feel.  Don’t let that shit linger.  Fix it.  Take charge of it and get out ahead of it instead of putting it off.  Say you’re sorry and hug the shit out of the person you wronged.  Demand an apology if the slight was grievous enough, and if it wasn’t let it go.  In short, figure out what you should care about and what you shouldn’t, and take care of the stuff you have to as soon as you can and forget about the rest.  Otherwise you are going to feel all of it in your stomach at some point every day.


You’re going to have to go pick someone up or drop someone off someplace.  Just shut up and do it, that’s what being a friend means sometimes.  The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can get back home and watch reruns of the Big Bang Theory.

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