Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will get in an argument with an idiot. Don't judge those idiots too harshly though. To be fair, you are the idiot in someone else's horoscope, it's all relative and based on perspective. And honestly, having a differing viewpoint doesn't really make you an idiot either. Sure, there are a lot of idiots running around unsupervised these days, so you can be forgiven for assuming that someone you disagree with is one of them.
Arguing is supposed to be a useful form of debate, but these days it seldom is. People have lost the fine art of arguing. Most were never taught how to do it properly, so they are missing out on a very important skill that would help them grow and understand the world and gain them some insight. Nowadays everything is perceived as black and white, and no one can seem to keep an opinion about some issue separate from personal attacks.
Many people base their opinions on misinformation, designed to rile them up and get them to vote a certain way. These lies play on their frustration and fear, and those are powerful allies when you're getting someone to go against their own best interests.  If you have a different opinion then theirs, they see you as the enemy. When the argument degrades into insults and name calling it just reinforces that fact. Pointing out that their beliefs are based on distortion or lies only makes them dig in deeper because you are making them feel stupid and they get defensive. This means that you are never going to change anyone's mind by arguing with them if they are not willing to budge on their position, and they see any disagreement as a personal attack.
In short, don't bother arguing with these people. You are not helping your cause and you're certainly not doing yourself or them any favors. The stars have a favorite saying for cases like these:
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig.
So I know we think we are helping, or sticking up for what's right, or trying to change the world. But the real people out there changing the world are actually doing the work, sacrificing their time and effort in a positive and constructive manner. They are leading by example, not berating some poor schmuck on social media.
Don't get me wrong, I don't expect everyone to be Martin Luther King. I also know that sometimes the stupid hurts, and you can't help going off on someone, or hide your incredulous reaction. We should just be conscious of it and try not to let it become habit.
And if you're just a person that really likes annoying pigs? You should really do something about that sadistic behavior because it's not healthy and reflects very poorly on you. Like I said in the beginning, we are all the idiot in someone else's horoscope…


I got nothing. You're on your own today. Try not to get a piano dropped in your head.

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