Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's horoscope

All signs:
Today you will be a warrior. You will drag yourself out of bed, and on top of dealing with all the mundane and aggravating shit that is the norm, you will manage to grind and push yourself through some fucked up, painful, frustrating and debilitating situation.
Everyone has some unfathomable thing they have to overcome, many times on a daily basis. It could be problems with your parents or children or lover or anyone you care about. They could be living with problems that become your problems because you love them and want the best for them. It could be some horrible health problem you're having, or you could be fighting your own brain in a battle against depression, or addiction, or just some compulsion you have to fight against every day because to give in to it would start you on a slow descent into self destruction.
And once again, you will overcome it. You will expend an inordinate amount of energy just staying on that balance beam. You are a warrior.
We all are, so remember that when you get impatient or disgusted with another warrior going through the same thing you are. Even the people in your life you're helping, they don't want to need that help and they don't want to feel the way they do. They are fighting their own battle, and they need to win another day, so let's all just take a second and acknowledge that we're fighting and we're holding the enemy at bay the best we can. It's hard work being a hero, and sometimes it can look like you're being dismissive or preoccupied from the outside.  A lot of times it's just warriors trying to get a win. Be nice to them.
And be nice to yourself. You are a champion just like them, and you deserve your love too. Heroes don't win every battle, just the ones that matter, so cut yourself some slack. Treat yourself like the hero you are.
We draw our heroes in groups of stars in the sky, but the real heroes are down here, doing it everyday, and you are one of them. The stars know that, and they want you to know that too. So now you do.


Just take out the fucking trash already and stop waiting for someone else to do it.

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