Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will put forth some effort to get something accomplished and share it with the world. Maybe it will be the culmination of something you've been working on for some time. Maybe it is some little or big thing you've achieved and you are feeling proud of yourself. Whatever it is, you will probably feel that no one has noticed, or they haven't given you any indication that they understand just how much of yourself you put into the achievement or how much it has taken out of you.
And people (and yourself) will tell you that you should feel bad for expecting a pat on the back, and who are you to think that the world owes you anything?
Well, fuck those people and fuck yourself.
You deserve that pat on the back, you deserve that reward and adulation. You have accomplished something, or bettered yourself, or given a little piece of yourself to the world, and someone should recognize it and celebrate it with you. They probably won't though, and while a lot of people seem selfish and self absorbed, remember they might be dealing with their own stuff and trying to get through another day.
So if no one does give you accolades, it shouldn't diminish what you've done. You should do it for yourself foremost, and it should bring you a private joy and a personal high, regardless of what anyone else thinks.
As always, it's a two way street. Do you take the time to actually pay attention to others and what they're doing? You should be encouraging them and congratulating them, and patting them on the back too. Maybe if you give them that support, they will be inspired to pass it along when you or someone else does something worth praising.
We seem to be stingy with our praise, and the stars don't know why that is. Perhaps it is part of our human makeup, or maybe we are taught to feel like we don't deserve it, but the stars know that we do. That's why they shine their light on you, over the great distances of the cosmos, because they are in awe of all the things we do, even if we are so broken inside that we can't always give ourselves and others credit due to the wonders of the universe we really are.
You are all glorious and I'm proud of each and every one if you.


Stop with the weird anime porn already. We all know what those comics are and it's freaking us all out.

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