Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's horoscope

All signs:
Tomorrow is Christmas, and while for most people it is a time for family and presents and joy, it also can seem like a signpost letting you know that the end of the year is in sight. We tend to feel as if we're limping over the finish line, and when we think back on the year we remember all the trials and tribulations from the preceding months. We always seem to think the year was one of the worst, and in some cases it might have been, but in reality there were probably a lot of positives you can point to if you try.
There were good moments, if you think about it. There was love and friendship and music and serenity and excitement. There were little moments of tenderness and heartfelt talks and hand holding and spontaneous kindness. There were moments that don't even have words to describe them, but if you think hard the feelings that swelled you with joy are still with you.
And if you can't think of any of those things that happened this year, if you truly had a year that beat the shit out of you and nearly killed you… well, you're still here, aren't you? You still get a chance to try it all again next year. You still have people that love you, and if you can't think of any, you still have me. I love you and I make it my life's mission to be a good friend, so you're not alone and you're never out of options as long as I walk the earth.
So give yourself a little gift of relief this season. Take a little time to let all the worry and anxiety melt away, if only for a little while. It will still be there when you want it back.
Forgive yourself, and let yourself accept that most of the things you punish yourself for are not your fault. Let someone you care about know it, and let them bring you contentment while you bring it to them.
And if you're really alone tonight, and no one is available, go out and look up at the sky. The stars will be your Christmas lights, a billion little beacons sending you Christmas love, love that's already inside of you somewhere, burning brighter than any ball of gas anywhere in the cosmos.

Remember, you are loved, even in those moments you convince yourself that you don't love yourself. You are in someone's thoughts,even if they are a thousand miles away. You matter, to others and to yourself.  Now go make merry and let the people in your life know you love them and that you appreciate the love they have for you.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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