Thursday, March 3, 2016

1/11/2016 David Bowie

Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will be shocked to find that David Bowie has died.
He was a musician, a celebrity you most likely didn't know personally or ever even met. Your life will go on just as it had in most every way before you knew he was gone, and after a while he will just be another dead celebrity on a long list of dead celebrities that pass away in the long, but oh so brief span of your lifetime.
But for now it feels devastating. You feel like you lost someone that had been with you for your entire life. It will erect a signpost in your life that might make you think about your own mortality. Maybe you weren't a Bowie fan, and if so, this horoscope isn't for you. Check back tomorrow.
Being the chameleon that he was, you might have a different Bowie than some of your friends, but you still all feel the same loss. He was bigger than life, and he seemed regal and untouchable, but like he knew you just the same.
Some may feel it is silly to mourn a dead rock star, and in some ways I guess it is. There are more important and more pressing things going on in your real life. But they are our heroes and our mentors sometimes. They were there when no one else was, and they helped you in some very small or very big way when no one or nothing else could. They poured enough of themselves into their work that it made an indelible impression on you and you feel a loss and a sadness now that you know they are gone, and you won't be hearing from them anymore.
You still have the work, though. You still have every note and every word and all the images and memories. A whole legacy left behind that no one can touch and no one can take from you.
In that way, it's kind of the same as when someone close to you dies. You still have everything they gave you, you still feel all the love you shared, you will always have that image of them locked away and you will still feel their presence. You will carry with you always the weight of their lives, and you will be better for it.
So celebrate them, celebrate all the joy and everything they gave you that only they could bring and honor them in your own way. Feel your grief however you see fit, because you have suffered a loss and it's yours and no one has any right to tell you not to feel the way you feel. You have every right to your sadness for someone you lost, be it a parent, a sibling, a friend, or even David Bowie.
And as always, take the opportunity to tell the people that are still here how much you love them while you still can.
The stars are sad. The stars are Bowie fans. He knew what they were about, and he understood. He saw the answers in the heavens and he told us so.

There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile

It is all so worthwhile, and David Bowie knew it, and showed us all just how much, so we could be inspired too, and that is a life worth celebrating.

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