Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today we will avoid the truth.  Over and over, with a resolve we rarely muster for anything else in our lives .
Years back, when people would casually ask me why things weren't working in their lives, or why they were unhappy about a particular situation, I started to just reply “you know why”. It was kind of a flippant response, but I had just grown tired of answering the same old questions again and again, only to have my answer ignored.
The funny thing is, they always responded thoughtfully and admitted that they did know why. They did all the work themselves, and I realized that I had stumbled upon something that actually helped them a bit. It was like they had never realized before that they held all the answers themselves, and they just didn't want to admit it.
We all know.
Life is a constant battle to ignore the truth you already realize. We are so scared to admit what we already know. Whether it's because the truth is just too horrible, or it means we have to work or sacrifice to fix it, or because we have to give something up that's bad for us but we want to selfishly cling to it to bring us comfort, even as it's killing us.
So next time you wonder why your life is a mess, instead of always asking the stars, ask yourself instead. Do you already know the answer? Have you seen this movie already? Is it that the world has to change, or is it you that has to change?
Facing a harsh truth is one of the hardest things to do. It will hurt, it will make you have to work. It will change some things forever.
But like the old saying goes, the truth shall set you free. It will. It will free you, from the torment and the fear, and from yourself.
Freedom is hard won, though. You have to work and strive and sacrifice, and get beat up a little. That was going to happen anyway, while you went on suffering and ignoring the thing that was tearing you apart. Lying to yourself about what was really causing all that pain and misery, because somehow you convinced yourself that it was better that way.
Why would we ever do that to ourselves?
You know why.


Omg, use your damn turn signal!

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