Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will have a ton of chances to remember about perspective. We are all so sure of what we know and what we believe that we often forget that everyone else sees it from another angle. In our zeal to be right, or feel superior, we don't always take into account that others have a whole different lifetime and genetic makeup informing their opinions and beliefs.
Where they were born, where they live, their socioeconomic status, their religion, the things their parents imbued them with, good or bad. Any trauma, or abuse, or bereavement, any loss, any abandonment, any joy or happiness they ever felt. A billion little things that all add up and made them the person they are, just like all the tiny things that shaped your life and make you think you're the well adjusted one.
There are so many proverbs and quotes about it; walking a mile in their shoes, he who is without sin, glass houses and so on. We've all heard them and we all know what they are saying, but the minute we have a minor disagreement or someone pisses us off we throw that knowledge right out the window. We so often denigrate others, in arguments, in gossip, even just seeing someone on the street or on the news.
We all do it, we're all judgemental and opinionated and so intolerant in some areas. And why? Why do we feel the need to think others are wrong or crazy just because they feel differently than us? Nothing good comes of it. It causes you stress, it makes you miss out on another's views and a chance to grow and see things from another point. It ends up making you or the other person miserable a lot of the time, and we sometimes end up taking that out on someone else, usually a loved one.
Sometimes you get annoyed with someone you see on TV or social media and you waste precious time and energy reinforcing your shitty attitude that people are jerks. Not only are you causing yourself aggravation over something that you are basing on one tiny aspect of who they are, you are letting a little bit if your humanity slip away each time you do it.
So we should all try to keep that perspective thing close, and apply it at all times. Instead of assuming everyone is an asshole and let them try to work from behind to prove that they're not, assume that there's some factors you're not aware of and give them the benefit of the doubt now and then. Be kind, not just in your actions but in your perceptions and go easy on your silent judgement. It will make everyone a lot happier. You, because you might avoid a lot of senseless aggravation and gain some new insight, and them because they might feel that someone understands them and validates their feelings. Perspective can ruin or save the world, it's our choice.
The stars understand that we're all different, and they love that about us. Just as they are all different, and a trillion unique shimmering lights all join together to make the night time sky. If our own star, the sun, weren't different than almost all the other stars in the universe none of us would be here at all.
Would you want everyone to think and be just like you anyway? We all get enough of that jerk everyday :)

You're not that sexy and mysterious. Get over yourself.

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