Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's horoscope

All signs:
You're going to go that extra mile today for someone who, in all honesty, probably hasn't done anything to deserve it. It's a sad fact of life that there are takers and givers. You're a giver, and that means from time to time a taker will use that to their advantage.
It's a tricky area here. Some takers are manipulative and abusive, and you should try to get those people out of your life, be they a casual acquaintance, a significant other, even a parent. Protect yourself. There are other takers that do it unwittingly. If it's a part time thing, and it's not harming you, fine, be there for those people if you feel you should.
The main thing you should keep in mind is: don't give anyone anything that you can't afford to lose.  Assume you are giving your time and energy and you're never going to get it back, otherwise you will just grow resentful and bitter. Only give on your terms, and if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or used or drained, back off if you can.
We astrologers know that you can recharge your core power with crystals and star shine, but just in case that's a bunch of crap you should monitor your own self and keep healthy and not get yourself run down and depressed. Giving all the time can really take it out of you, so give to yourself too.

All signs
You will do something today that you are proud of, or makes you feel good about yourself, and it will go totally unnoticed. This stuff happens. Maybe you did something nice for someone and they didn't lift their head out of their phone to notice. Maybe you stopped your car and got an animal off the road so it didn't get hit, but all you got was horns honked at you for getting in the way. Maybe you posted a pithy saying or funny link on Facebook and no one saw it or liked it. Many times our first instinct is to say "well fuck them/that/the world, I'm never going to do that again!" It hurts when you think your effort goes without anyone giving a shit.
First off, that's just your bruised ego talking. You should be doing those things because you want to, regardless of whether others validate your behavior or not. If that doesn't help, look at it this way: It's who you are. A quick glance at your star charts shows me that you do this all the time and will continue to do it. You're a nice person, you like to share and be part of a circle of people, no matter how big or small. So use the power of astrology to save yourself the aggravation of denying who you are all the time. Just chalk it up to the fact that people have lives, and they can't always notice everything you do and give you a gold star and move on.
The stars notice. The stars appreciate it. Some nights they are up there, twinkling just for you, and you didn't even go outside and look up. The stars are okay with that, and that's going to have to be good enough for you too sometimes.


Pay your cable bill! It's late!

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