Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
Today you might have an epiphany. You might get slapped in the face with a harsh truth, or see the error you've been committing over and over without realizing it until that very second. You might just see an easier way to do things or see someone in a whole different light. It might floor you, and start you on a path to a new and better life.
Be forewarned though, it's not like that scene in the middle of a movie, where everything turns around and life is perfect from then on. It's just one of many moments just like it and the first step in a very long process. You'll find yourself eager to begin applying that new attitude to your life, but that's not how it works most of the time.
It's easy to get derailed right out of the gate, because you want to put that change in motion immediately, but sometimes that epiphany comes while you're falling asleep, or about to go into a business meeting, and you have to wait.
Sometimes the epiphany is about a situation that isn't happening at this very moment. Maybe you just realized something about the way you react to something your friend says or does, but you won't be able to try your new knowledge until it happens again, whenever that might be. You could call your friend and try to pick a fight, but what's the use of self realization if it makes you act like a jerk?
And just because you've come to this realization doesn't mean you're not going to make the same mistake tomorrow. Epiphanies don't guarantee instant and wholesale change. They don't mean your actions will reverse themselves on the spot. You will find yourself wavering back and forth, between good and bad thoughts and behavior. You might have the same epiphany a hundred times over the course if your life until it finally takes.
More often than not they provide you with one more thing to get angry at or disappointed in yourself when you find yourself engaging in the behavior you now know is detrimental to you.
So like most things you discover about yourself, don't use them to punish or berate yourself. Don't get frustrated if you can't get instant results or if you make the same mistake even though you're supposed to know better. Change for the better takes time, just like it took a long time for you to develop those bad habits in the first place.
The stars know about change. They measure out their brief moments in millenia. The change they go through happens so slowly that most of it would go unnoticed, viewed over the entire span of human existence. But change they do. They seem like the constant beacons in the sky from your vantage point.
Take that knowledge from the stars also. You might be upset because others don't notice the change in you, or give you credit for it. It would be nice if they did, but who cares, really? Do it for you, and the people in your life will be better for it too, whether they know it or not. Be a star yourself, and let them gaze at you in wonder, even if they don't know why.


Clear out your dvr. If you haven't watched those 45 episodes of Pawn Stars on there by now, you're probably not ever going to…

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