Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
Today someone will get mad at you, or seem annoyed at you for no reason.  Realize that they are most likely mad at themselves, and something you possess, be it material or simply peace of mind,  just makes them see their faults more clearly and this is what is making them act like a dick.  These people can sometimes torment you, or put you down, or try to make you feel like shit so they can feel better about themselves.  Don’t let them.  They have no right to do it to you.  If they can’t use something good about you to motivate them to better themselves, than that’s on them.  Don’t let them take something good away from you just so they can justify being petty and lazy.  
You are who you are.  The stars and heavens have bestowed gifts upon you, and they send you little signs everyday to remind you how lucky you are and who you are at your core.  You can choose to let these gifts lift you up, to support you, to instill the confidence in you that you are on the right track, and that you have a lot to offer the world.  You can also twist those signs into something that makes you angry, jealous, and feeling like the world is an unfair place.  As always, the choice is yours, but you know better.  We all know better.  If someone is mad at you, bitter towards you for no reason, take that as a sign also.  A sign that there is something so good in you that it drives these people crazy because they think it is beyond them.  Sometimes a gift from the stars can come from the most unlikely of places.  It may not seem like a gift at all, but it truly is, even if it comes in the form of unprovoked envy or torment from someone.  It is a chance for both of you, so you would do well to recognize it.
If it helps, know that these people are not happy.  They want the world to think that they are, but they know the truth.  Maybe not as they are doing awful things or tearing others down, but they know it at night, while they lie in bed alone with their thoughts and have to face who they are.  Some of them drink, or do drugs, or whore themselves out to whatever bad behavior takes their minds off it for a moment or two, but the thoughts always come back.
You are under no obligation to do so, but you might want to have a little pity on them, for they are blinded to the skies and have no stars like you do to guide them through the darkness.


You’re going to drop your phone in the toilet.  Do yourself a favor,  wash it off and don’t tell anyone.  Everyone you know will be thinking the worst whenever they call you from now on ...

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