Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's horoscope

All signs:
At some point today something someone does or says will make you wonder if you're crazy. You're not. Well, most of you aren't. A couple of you might actually be batshit crazy, but that's a horoscope for another day.
Every day we see things that make us shake our heads and wonder what the hell people are thinking. A pained look crosses our faces as we hold up our hands and find ourselves speechless as we try to come to terms with what we're seeing. Every. Single. Day.
Is it any wonder you have moments of confusion and bewilderment and wonder if you're on the right planet? Don't worry, you are. It's bad enough when it's someone at the grocery store, or a coworker, or something you see on the news. What really fucks you up is when it's someone you love.
If you're a caring person, if you have empathy and compassion, if you are capable of love, you are going to have to come to grips with the fact that you live in a world where an awful lot of people possess none of those qualities. It's just how it is.
We expect everyone we meet to think like us, maybe not exactly, but we expect them to understand some simple truths like we do. We expect them to return the love we give them. We expect them to appreciate all we do for them and in turn do all that for us. We expect them to catch us when we fall.
So we are constantly disappointed.
People have their own shit going on, and many of them do not have the tools to deal with it. It's not their fault.  They have not had the advantages you have had. They had bad things happen to them. Maybe they were just never taught any better. They had no real role models or guidance, or they never developed critical thinking skills. Once you realize this about them, it's all on you.
If you choose to keep giving yourselves to these people you better accept them for who they are, otherwise you will just make their lives and your own life miserable. You are now the jerk making them feel bad for not being what you want them to be. It's so tricky, and so frustrating, and it breaks your heart, but there's no magic answer or quick fix solution.
The fact that the world seems crazy is because a lot of it is. It's crazy, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Not being crazy can, in fact, drive you crazy, if you let it.
There's hope though. You're not alone. Trust me, I have plotted the stars and planets, and I can see things in the fabric of the universe that you can't. There are so many of us that get it, even though it seems like so many of us don't.
You get to a point where you can spot the bad before you spot the good, but that's an illusion perpetrated by your skewed brain. It's a survival instinct. It's more important for an animal to spot danger, so that's what our brains do. Be aware of that, and don't let it make you see devils everywhere.
People are good for the most part, even if they do seem nuttier than rat shit in a pistachio factory. Remember that some of the behavior you think of as crazy is just people seeing things differently than you. Coming from a different angle, they have a different solution. It's not wrong, or insane, it's just a different way to get to the same destination.
I know this shit is hard, but who ever guaranteed you that it would be easy? But don't worry. We'll help each other as we zigzag our way through the confusion and the crackpots.
We have the stars to guide us, and they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


Stop eating so much cheese, for God's sake. It's just not healthy.

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