Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will once again fight to hold onto something that you should have let go of long ago.  It might be trauma and pain, it might be anger over some real or perceived wrong, it might a ideal of life that ended long ago, it might be love that has long since run its course.  In any case, it is usually just something that will justify behavior you know in your heart is wrong.  It will provide you with an excuse to sabotage your life, to get in the way of something that would be good for you.  It will give you an excuse to indulge in self destructive behaviour, or to sit and feel sorry for yourself, or to make others miserable.  
Let’s be clear here that no one is condemning you.  Everyone has different shit to get over, and to deal with in their own way and their own time.  Everyone also holds onto it way longer than they have to, and they know it.  There is always a chunk of time spent between the time you know what you’re doing wrong and the time you finally stop doing it.  That is the thing we should all be working on.  At that point we are just being selfish, to ourselves and the people around us.  
Again, no one is condemning it.  Own time, own way, etc.  It is just probably more unhealthy to live in that netherworld because now you will find yourself berating yourself for knowing what you should be doing and not doing it.  That can get you in an endless spiral, bouncing back and forth between self realization and self hate.  
The sad thing is that all you have to do is to let it go.  Any anger, or pain, or desire, or anything that is fucking up your life.  It’s that simple, and yet is that excruciatingly hard.  It’s infuriating, really.  Also, to tell someone that they need to let something go when they aren’t ready to will get you nothing but anger and scorn most of the time, so you’re probably better off not doing it. Sometimes it needs to be said though, so I have been trying to say it in the least offensive way possible.  It helps to say it in writing, put out on the internet so someone reading it won’t take it personal and won’t feel like they are being attacked, which they aren’t.  
That is how desperate your mind is to hang onto all that shit that messes up your life.  It makes you lash out at anyone trying to help you.  It makes caring seem like an insult, so you can sink further into your resolve to hold on to that precious pain that belongs to you and no one else.  But I am here to tell you that you will eventually have to let it go or it will consume you and one day you will wake up and it will all be too late.  That is the truth, whether you want it to be or not, and if you don’t accept it there is no other option but to ignore it, and that will get you nowhere.
The stars know all about letting go.  They spend every second of their lives in a constant state of change, throwing off tons of star stuff into the universe every second, even though they know it will eventually lead to them going supernova and it will scatter them through the void.  They know it is inevitable, so why fight it?  They also know that all that they give, all that they become, will help the universe and everything in it, so they don’t mind.  
It brings them peace and lets them shine in sky like jewels, just like we all should be shining.  So let all that other stuff drift off into the cosmos so you can shine like a motherfucking star, for yourself and everyone around you.


Lay off the red meat.

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