Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's horoscope

All signs:
Today you will be afraid. Not just once, most likely. Today your fear will simmer and bubble just under the surface all day, every minute. You might not notice it all the time, but then something will happen (or not even happen!) and it will spike and you'll see it. Fear is our constant companion, ill defined and shadowy and vague most of the time.
Fear comes in so many guises. A lot of time it is just a feeling of dread, a half formed idea about something that isn't even there. It can come in the form of self doubt, keeping you from trying, from reaching your potential. It will stop you from experiencing new things, from spending your life with the person you should be with, from treating the people you love the way you should.
It will be insecurity, it will scare you to not be in control, so in turn you will sabotage yourself and hurt the people around you in a futile attempt to control them somehow. The frightening truth is that you have very little control over most things in your life, and just admitting that is scary as hell.
Fear will keep you stagnated. Feeling safe in the familiar will keep you from growing, from learning, from accepting others and the change all around you.  Better the  devil you know than the devil you don’t.  That is fear.  Most of the time you don’t know what is better until you experience it.  That’s life.  Some new things are good, some or not, and that’s how we are supposed to move through life.  A little forward, a little back, and we learn and figure it out so that on occasion we can make great leaps.
It is hard conquering fear, and many unscrupulous people play on your insecurities as a way to manipulate you into doing what they want. They bombard you all day and night with half formed suggestions about some shadowy threat so you get frightened.  Frightened people are gullible people, easy to control and bend to their will.  Frightened people make bad decisions.
The truth is, there are some things to be frightened of, but most of it is just in your head.  Politicians have been scaring you since time began, and almost everything they have warned us about has not had much of an impact on your life in the slightest.  They use that fear though, to turn us against each other, to hate certain segments of the population, all for personal gain and to take your rights away.  Advertisers and corporations use that fear and insecurity to sell you goods you don’t need.  They convince you that you need their drugs, their advice, their gadgets and garbage that will make your life better.  It makes you feel like you are doing something and taking control, but you’re taking a placebo that comforts you for a moment, but ultimately leaves you right where you were in the first place, just emptier inside and weighed down by shit you didn’t need or even know you wanted.
People in your life do it too.  They play on your fears, your guilt, your insecurities, in another futile attempt to hold onto and control you.  We let them do it too.  We live our lives as slaves, to others, to the faceless media and the ruling class, to phony religious leaders and countless con men and snake oil salesmen.  
It is all because of fear.  So many things are fear in disguise.  Guilt, doubt, anger, hate, almost every bad thing you feel or do is simply fear infiltrating your life, making decisions for you, hurting you and the people you love.  Then we act out in ways that damage and hurt us.  Keeping you from your happiness.  We give up our own control in a desperate attempt to feel safe, but then we get even more frightened because we have lost some more control.  It never ends.
The stars feel your fear, and they are sad for you.  They shine on, unwavering and unafraid, hoping you will follow their example.  Most of the stars you see aren’t even there anymore, long ago they went supernova and seeded the universe with the elements to create new worlds and new beings.  They know that life is change, that everything is constantly shifting and there is nothing to fear.  Still they send their light to you, as they looked billions of years ago to comfort you.  The explosion or gamma ray burst that will someday kill us all is most likely on its way here already, and there is nothing that fearing it and worrying about it will do to stop it.  It is racing across the universe now, unstoppable and barrelling down on us.  The bullet has already been fired and it will hit its mark.  The change we fear has already happened, we just don’t know it yet, but we go on, living in fear of something that has already taken place.  
Instead of letting that fact frighten you, let it liberate you.  You cannot control it with worry, you cannot cheat it or avoid it by ritual or superstition.  So instead of living on the edge, in fear and anxiety, let it all go and simply enjoy your life and make the world better for everyone around you.  We aren’t meant to live in fear and turmoil, it is such a shitty way to go through life.   Leave the things you can’t control or change to the stars and take care of the things you can.  
Then you will be surprised at how brightly you can really shine.
Of course, it isn’t that simple.  Conquering a lifetime of all consuming fear is not something you accomplish in a day, a week, or even a lifetime.  Just do what you can and don’t let it overwhelm you.  Ironically, fear of conquering fear holds you back.  Most importantly, don’t let other frightened people fuck up your life and make you feel like shit.  You have enough of your own shit to worry about, tell them to fuck off and go work on their own garbage and stop making your life miserable.  Really.  Don’t ever be afraid to tell someone else to go fuck themselves.
Be brave, be fearless and be amazing.


Did you renew your driver’s license yet like I told you?

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