Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will get into an argument. It's unavoidable. It might make you really mad and ruin your day, either because you were wrong and feel stupid or because you were right but feel misunderstood. It might end a relationship or make it stronger.
Disagreement is huge part of life, but sadly it is the one area where most people lack the skills to navigate. Arguing is not a bad thing, I'm fact, it is one of the most important aspects of society and being human. It helps us understand each other, and to grow and become wiser. It pushes ideas across that we would not get in any other instance. It is simply a form of debate, but when emotions run high we lose sight of the whole point or arguing. That's a shame.
It's also totally understandable. You have to train yourself to keep your emotions in check. Most arguments quickly lose sight of the original point of contention, and we start to drag personal insults into it, and bring up unrelated issues that have long been simmering beneath the surface. Usually issues that have been eating away at you since the last argument that went unresolved.
We fear arguing, because we don't like conflict, or we are afraid of what we might say or hear. We don't like to confront our problems, because we understand that we are hiding from the truths we already know. We are afraid of losing, and in the process losing some control or taking a hit to our egos. We even fear winning, because we know that sometimes we can win the battle but lose the war. Proving yourself right to someone can make them feel inadequate or intimated and these feelings can mess up a relationship real quick.
We need to be better at ascertaining when to argue our point and when to let it go. We need to train ourselves not to attack others as a person just because we see differently on one issue. We need to learn how to argue properly, and I'm afraid that most of us will never be able to do it. Like most things, there are so many other little(and not so little) fears, insecurities, resentments and shortcomings we all carry around that get in the way and mess us up again.
Arguing requires passion and restraint at the same time, and that is a rare trick to pull off. It becomes frustrating very quickly, and if you feel like the other person isn't getting your point or taking your feelings into consideration it quickly escalates and we lose yet another opportunity to understand each other and open our minds to new ideas.
The stars argue all the time. They push and pull each other and send ripples through the time space continuum that forms and destroys worlds, so they must be careful and be smart about it. They understand that many times lives hang in the balance.
Just like they do with us.
It certainly seems like there are traps and landmines everywhere in life, and never more so than when we disagree. If we just take our time and keep track of where those pitfalls lie we can navigate though it. Just learn to tread lightly and help each other get to safety to the other side.

Those really are some ugly sneakers, but if you like them, who gives a shit what anyone else thinks? Wear those ugly sneakers everywhere and smile when anyone else in the freak parade stares. They wish they had your balls.

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