Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's horoscope

All signs:
At some point today you might catch a glimpse of your entire life and everything going on and everything you have to do and get overwhelmed. It will be okay. Just breathe, reset yourself, and get on with your life.
Like everything else you, need to divide up your life into easily manageable portions. If you tried to accomplish all the stuff you need to do at once you'd never get anywhere. That's why you live your life in increments. The truth is, there's a lot of shit you're going to keep regulating to the back burner, there are a bunch of people that you can't help, there are some dreams that will go unfulfilled.
All that is always going to be there, and a lot of it is just too painful to admit or even think about most of the time. In those rare instances when something sneaks out and starts an avalanche where all of it fills your mind at once, it is unbearable. When that happens, calmly pick them all up one by one and put them back in their little mental cubby-holes and go back to dealing with them one at a time, when you're ready to.
And the few that you'll never be ready to deal with? Don't worry, even if you ignore them and put them off life will most likely force you to deal with them someday and you'll get by. You'll find that you're more prepared than you think you are because of times like today, when your brain forced you to think about it, even for a second or two.
In other words, it's all going to be alright. Little by little, piece by piece, that's how it gets done and that's how we survive.


Have you started writing your Christmas cards yet? That's what I thought…

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