Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today, take some time to think about the face you present to the world. Most people don't realize it, but others are always watching and taking notes. You go on your way, oblivious to a lot of what you say and do, but it is speaking volumes to others. You might even notice it, but you figure no one else cares. But they do.
Life is like a poker game, and everyone has their tells. Our brains are hard wired to pick up on every little facial expression or body language we let show. That's why someone rolling their eyes at us or shrugging us off irritates us so.
I'm not just talking about that, though. I'm talking about your actions, and the way you treat others. People seem to me to be very selfish these days, and in ways they don't even notice. I see it when I'm driving. People drive like they have a right to do whatever they want, as if their time is much more important than yours, so they cut in front of you. Or they drive along slowly, blocking traffic, oblivious to those around them. They take up more than one parking space. They will turn in front of you, even though you have the right of way. Even when you go to a drive thru to get a cheeseburger, many of the other people in line don't even bother to pull up. They leave a ton of space between their car and the one in front of them so people behind them can't get to the board and order. Their thoughts don't even extend beyond their own car.
People also seem very dismissive of other people's feelings. If their actions cause others pain or distress, they are annoyed. They blame the problem on other's reactions to their behavior, not on their behavior itself. That's selfish.  It basically tells others that you are going to do what you want to do, regardless of what effect it has on the people you love or the world around you. Since of these people go as far as to say something like “I know it's not right, but that's how I feel”. You are saying that even though you know it's crappy behavior, you didn't care enough to do anything about it. If someone you know says something like that to you, run in the other direction as fast as you can. They are most likely a sociopath.
People don't even notice that they contradict themselves constantly. They say one thing and do another on a daily basis. They will tell you things about themselves that say so much more than they realize. They will tell you about the extravagances in their life while complaining about how broke they are. They will tell you how much they love you while they are screwing you over. They will lie to you, then forget that they lied to you and trip themselves up, then they will lie some more to get out of it.
All the time they are completely unaware that they are showing the world their true nature and the world is paying attention. They may get away with it for some time, but while many of us are obtuse, we do catch on eventually.
All our fears and insecurities bubble up to the surface in ways we never see, but the other people in our lives do. It can get very tedious and irritating, and if we would just be honest and ask for a little reassurance when we need it instead of trying to manipulate or control others, we wouldn't have all this resentment manifesting itself in unflattering ways.
Who you are will always shine through, so the only way to present yourself in a better light is to be a better person. Pull your own head out of your ass and notice how you treat others. Be aware of your actions, they all have consequences.
The stars know this. Long ago the stars ignited and gave their light to the universe. They glow and shimmer, always giving us their best and brightest. No matter how much they are burning and roiling inside, they present a warm, inviting glow to the rest of us as well as they can.
I'm not saying you should bury your feelings and problems all the time, but maybe take into account that others have them too. Think of their needs too, it's not all about you 24/7.  If you go through life not caring about how others see you, don't be surprised when they all stop looking…


Pick what you want from the buffet and keep moving. Other people want wontons too.

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