Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will have yet another chance to identify your enemies. Try not to screw it up. Not to sound paranoid, but your enemies are everywhere. Nearly anyone trying to sell you anything these days is your enemy to some degree. Corporations spend a ton of money to make commercials, fake news segments, to pay people to call you day and night to scare you or convince you that you need something you don't. They spend even more money to get your elected leaders to pass laws and ease regulations so they can make more bigger profits while they kill you some more. They will not be happy until they squeeze every last penny out of you.
They will pay you much less than you're worth to make and sell others this crap.
Politicians are probably your enemies too, unless you happen to be very rich.
But that's all a whole separate thing than what I'm talking about. Most of the time your enemies are much closer. They are people you think are your friends or lovers, or your own family. Some are malicious and want you to suffer. Some are just afraid and insecure, and they take it out on you. They drag you down, they try to control you and make you feel bad about who you are. They sap your energy, and keep you from true happiness and reaching your full potential.
Enemies lead you down the wrong path, talk you into things they know will harm you, play on your own insecurities and hold you back. They will whisper that you are no good, you are different and guilty, and that you're getting just what you deserve.
Once you have identified the people in your life that are hurting you and holding you back, take that power away from them. Demand what's yours, and cut them out of your life until their behavior changes.
Only then will you be able to face your greatest enemy, the real enemy you've been fighting all of your life. The enemy that opens the floodgates that allow all the other enemies in. This enemy is a super villain, an evil genius, and ultimately responsible for all the other villains in your life. This enemy knows you, so you damn well better get to know them.
Your greatest enemy is you.
If you take control of that one enemy, get rid of that inside man working for the opposite team, you will find none of your other enemies can hurt you any more.


Anyone that cares about what happened on The Bachelor knows already. Stop trying to tell me about it.

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