Monday, March 7, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you may find yourself looking down on another human being. We all do it. I suppose it's natural. We are all better at something than someone else, or we like to think so.
Judging others is part of society. It is the backbone of our legal system. It plays a huge part in any competition, athletic, artistic, or otherwise. When you put yourself out there in any creative way, you are going to be judged and criticized, there's no way to avoid it. Those situations are essential to policing society, or because people willingly entered into a contest or put part of themselves out there and asked or expected to be judged.
     There are a million other ways to be judged, and many of them happen without you even knowing it. We judge each other on such superficial things like the clothes we wear, or our hair style, or some perceived lack of refinement.   We categorize and label people and stick them in the box we decide they belong, based on looks or social status. We will write someone off just because of the car they drive or what TV shows they like.
     We do it based on their race, or their income, where they live or on their choice of lifestyle.
     Instead of celebrating people's diversity and differences, we silently (or not so silently) mock and belittle them for things they cannot control, or more often the case, shouldn't have to defend.  
     I'm not saying you don't have the right to judge others. You do. Sometimes that judgement is perfectly healthy. You should examine the people that you give control over parts of your life. You should judge if they're worthy of your respect, your friendship, or your love. You should figure out whether someone should be allowed to run roughshod through your life, rather than find out the hard way.
    What you should avoid is judging people you don't really know. You should avoid judging people just because it makes you feel better about yourself. As always, you should look at yourself before you look at others. There are plenty of times you don't like someone because they remind you of something you don't like in yourself, and that's a thing you should be aware of.
     I have met a lot of people in my life that many of you would call losers. Most of the time, losers are not really losers. They are simply someone having a hard time of it, but you don't see them at their high point, you just stumbled into them at their lowest. They could be people that were born into disadvantages right from the start. Maybe they are saddled with burdens you don't understand. Perhaps something really horrible may have just happened to them or a loved one, and you're one of the first people they've come across since. They are upset and confused, and how you treat them will define how they see themselves, perhaps for the rest of their lives. All they need is a little understanding, or at least to be left alone.
     And you respond by making them feel like shit. Your look of derision, or complete lack of understanding, your dismissal of them could have a very profound impact on the rest of their lives.
     Now I'm not saying it's your responsibility to go through life walking on eggshells and being a caretaker to every sad sack you come across. I'm not telling you to be a bleeding heart and let manipulative people walk all over you or take advantage of you. You need to protect and insulate yourself from some people, you do.
      I don't feel it's too much to ask of anyone though to take a few seconds and ask yourself why you're judging others you don't even know. Why you're so quick to label someone based on sight, or by one brief interaction. Especially if you find yourself judging a whole group of people based on what outside forces are telling you. Try to understand what informs your opinions, if anything. Some people like to think of themselves as a great judge of character, possessing some innate sixth sense or instinct that tells them all they need to know within moments of meeting someone. Those people are usually just assholes.
    If you find yourself judging others that have no bearing on your life, that are not hurting anyone, that are just trying to get through life as best they can, just like you are… well you might need to look at your own life. And if you think others are going to judge you based on those actions, you would be right.
     How does that make you feel?


Dye your hair pink if you want. It's your goddamn hair.

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