Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

If you set out to drive to a point across the state or across town, you can't see it, you just trust that it's there. In fact, you can't usually see your destination until you're right on top of it.
The reason the stars bring that up is because often we feel like we can't see the point in a lot of things in life. We want to give up or walk away because we convince ourselves that simply because we're a little lost or feel like no one cares or notices, we might as well not bother.
The stars are here to tell you that there is a point. You exist for a reason, even if they reason is simply to find some fulfillment and joy out of life. You often can't see the point because you haven't figured out what you want the point to be. Maybe you're not ready to see it. Maybe you're fooling yourself with a lot of false ideas and unrealistic expectations. Maybe you've just been knocked down by life again, but you have get up and keep going.
The point is, there is a point, and if you get to the point where you think it's not worth trying anymore, you're most likely very wrong. Talk to someone, be it friends, family, a professional, a person on social media or a hotline counselor.
Everyone has been at a point in their lives where they think they might as well just give up. That is not the point you are working towards, it's just a really bad layover in a crummy section, and you can look at a map, and plan your next move. Because there's always a next move.
There's always another point.

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