Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars find it sad that so many of us have such problems relating to the other people in this world. So many people are devoid of empathy and understanding. It's not even a conscious thing, most of the time. Evolution has made us wary of anything different, and primates view those who differ from us as other tribes, and fear takes over, if you let it. It drives our worst compulsions, and turns us into monsters.
It's such an insidious thing, and that is why most racists or close minded people think you are way off base when you point it out to them. They are controlled by fear, just like all of us, but if you take a little time and effort to understand how your reptilian brain works, you can overcome it quite easily. You have to want to, though, and that simple step is so hard for many people to take. To them, it is safer in their twisted and convoluted reality. It is easier to hate and tear down.
The stars want you to understand that the cause of all of society's problems, and almost all of yours, is fear. It divides us, it holds us back, and it makes us destroy everything we should be building. It stands in the way of light and reason and love. It keeps us from being who we want to be, it keeps us from the people we love, it makes us hate ourselves
The opposite of everything good in the world is not evil, it is fear, and it is manageable, but only if you want it to be. Again, that's not easy, because admitting you're afraid is the one thing we fear most.

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