Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want you to be more aware. Life and all the situations it puts you in can be overwhelming, but not all at once. Little things build up as you go. Before you know it, your muscles may be clenching, your nerves might be getting frayed, and anxiety might be overtaking you. You might even find that you're forgetting how to breathe.
Train yourself to check all that as you go about your day, and when you notice it happening, take a moment. Relax, breathe in and out, and let the tension in your body unwind. The simplest things can put our lizard brains into fight or flight mode, and we get so used to it that we don't even notice it happening most of the time.
We often exist in a state of anxious dread, usually for no actual reason. That's nothing to be ashamed of, or worked up about, it's just life in our modern world, where everything seems urgent and overwhelming.
Don't let vague unease and unnamed fear dictate your life and demeanor, and your very comfort in being alive.
Stop. Breathe. Relax.
You might find that you're reclaiming yourself several times a day, but it's worth it, because otherwise you're not living on your terms at all.

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