Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want you to work on your memory. They are not talking about taking supplements or joining some website where you play flash games. They are telling you to prioritize and use your memories more efficiently.
We tend to dwell on the traumatic or confusing memories, and gloss over the ones which actually teach us important things. We need to learn our lessons over and over again, when it would be easier to simply remember our missteps, and learn to recognize when we are making them again. We need to remember all our victories, and realize that we have overcome so much in our lives, and let that give us confidence that we can overcome whatever it is that we are facing now.
On the opposite end of that spectrum, we need to work on letting go of the memories that haunt us and that we fixate on until they consume us. We stall, and we can't move past the memories of when we were hurt or we failed or lost something. We cling to our pain, and often use it as a reason to illustrate why we shouldn't bother doing anything. We use it to talk ourselves out of new experiences.
We let bad memories drag us down and engulf us, and we discount our victories and triumphs as nothing special. Essentially, our memories eventually become unrecognizable, because we turn them into things they are not, and give them power they haven't earned, or sap the energy they should be providing us.
So the stars think you should work on your memories, and in turn, let them work for you.

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