Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Today's Horoscope

Most days, we wake up full of good intentions and plans to conquer the day. We are going to get things done, and achieve our goals, and set the world on fire.
A few hours later, we usually have scaled back our expectations quite a bit. Most days, we peter out completely before lunch, and go into survival mode just to finish out the day.
Sometimes that can really get to us, and send us into a defeatist spiral. We get mad at ourselves for giving up, we get mad at the world for not making it easier, we get exasperated and worn down in a sea of negativity and discouragement.
What you need to remind yourself of is that most victories and accomplishments are achieved slowly, a little at a time. We expect to move mountains, when we should just be moving shovels of dirt each day.
As long as you can get up the next day and try again, you are victorious. So long as you keep moving forward, even in tiny increments, you are winning.
The stars want to point out to you that your dreams aren't going to come true and you're not going to find fulfillment in one fell swoop, it's going to be earned bit by bit, over the course of your lifetime. Expecting it to be any other way is just going to frustrate and hamper you.
So instead of starting off the week angry that your unrealistic expectations didn't work out yet again, celebrate the small progress you make towards your destination, and recognize what victory looks like.

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