Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to remind you that confidence is quiet.
People who are secure in who they are don't need to prove themselves constantly. They don't need to attack some while heaping false praise on others. They don't get easily riled or defensive. They don't need to make proclamations about how they don't care how you feel about them or what they think.
In fact, most of the things that people think make them appear confident instead show the world how insecure they are. Confidence is consistency. Confidence is kind. Confidence is reason and strength and comfort. Confidence is the ability to be who you are in every aspect of your life, and in being so, everyone knows the same you, and that they can trust in that.
The irony is, most people who have no self confidence can't recognize or trust it in others, so they are leery of it, and question it constantly. They think confidence is about who speaks the loudest and who is the most brazen and bold, and generally obnoxious.
Confidence is quiet.

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