Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

The stars want to remind that who you align yourself with says a lot about you. Who you associate with and what you say has serious repercussions on how the rest of the world views you. The people in your life might agree with you on one issue, but hold horrible views on a wide assortment of things you care about. They might not even agree with you on your issue for the same reasons you do.
They say that politics makes for strange bedfellows, but it isn’t just politics. We often overlook the worst aspects of some people simply because they are on our side of something important to us. We will tolerate anything as long as it provides the reinforcement we need to feel alright with a decision, or feel safe, or part of a tribe. We ignore all the bad traits, but other people won’t. They will judge you by the company you keep.
If you want to be loved, and you want to have the right kind of people in your corner, be the right kind of person, and don’t take any chances on misrepresenting yourself by association. Don’t throw out your morals when it suits you. Life is never about just one thing, you have to look at the people in your life as the complex thing that they are, and make sure that strong morals and compassion are there informing their decisions and actions, regardless of what the issue at hand might be.
When all you have in your life are people with questionable values, you will find yourself surrounded by questionable people, and no one else. You will have jettisoned the decent people in your life because you sold yourself out to people who aren’t really your friends.

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