Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Today's Horoscope

Most people don't realize how tiny the differences are in most things that mean so much. Often, the margin of victory in elections that decide the country's fate are only a percentage point or two. Championships are won by a single goal or point at the very end of competition, or inches of progress on the field. Even your body chemistry and physiological imbalance is a tiny fraction of chance that can go one way or another. A stray blood clot or electrical impulse could mean the difference between life and death.
That's why your life isn't going to be blissful happiness and entertainment all the time. It's all a balance between the good and the bad, the fun and the work, the joy and despair. The difference is usually a small percentage, that's why it's so important not to screw up the good things with self destructive or negative behavior.
You have a huge influence over how you nurture the good and limit the bad, and when the difference in life is only a small percentage in the middle of all that, why would want to take a chance on tipping the scales the wrong way?

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