Monday, July 22, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to point out that you meet some of the bravest people every day and don't even realize it.
People who are suffering on the inside, but still put a brave face on it and go out and take care of what they need to take care of. People torn up from loss or pain or health problems, but still go on and treat people kindly, no matter what they are dealing with.
People who are depressed or anxiety ridden, or suffer from ptsd, but still make that heroic effort to go out into a world that leaves them feeling like a prey animal. Overcoming their fears, overwhelming or irrational as they may be, just to try to get through the day.
People who help others, or animals, or political causes, who speak up and defend those who can't defend themselves. People who follow their dreams, no matter how scary and vulnerable it makes them. People who are doing all kinds of things that we only wish we had the courage to do ourselves, but they don't call attention to it.
Bravery and quiet strength and courage is all around us, and probably inside you, and we don't even see it.

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