Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to remind you that you are living in very polarizing times. People always want to label everyone and put them in their appropriate box, because that's what the human mind does. It looks for patterns, it identifies, it sorts. It tries to take the quickest route to understanding and categorizing the situation, and match it to what it knows.
Unfortunately, the human mind is also complex and unique, so many times we get sorted to a box or file based on one or two traits or beliefs or opinions. We are unfairly judged, and we are labeled based on just one facet of who we really are.
The point that the stars want to make is not that we should be more careful about how we come across. It is not that we should stifle who we are, or second guess every move when someone is watching. It's not even that we should take the time to really know someone before we judge them, although that would be nice.
No, the point the stars want to make is that no matter how hard you try to please everyone, or make sure that everyone sees every side of you, it won't really make much difference to most people. So the stars encourage you to be you, as much as you can. If a bunch of people who don't really know you are going to make snap judgements anyway, then don't let that fact inhibit or affect who you are.
The only way you can show people who you are is to be who you are, all the time, regardless of whether or not they want to understand it. The right people will get it. So live unapologetically true to yourself, and let them stick their labels wherever they want.
You know different, and that's what matters.

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