Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars notice that a lot of people spend their time lamenting things that they never had in the first place. They obsess over what they think they are missing out on, or pine for someone they loved from afar. There is an old saying, “careful what you wish for”, and like most old sayings, there’s a reason it exists.
Often we base our desires on the ideal of something or someone, not the reality. Like everything in life, all things have their pros and cons. Most likely you will never know what those pros and cons are until you have it.
It’s the same for the people you desire. You are most likely basing your attraction on physical appearance, or some small aspect of their personality. They might seem like lovely people who share some of your interests, but that’s a far cry from the love you expect and the soulmate you want them to be. Regardless, if they don’t want to be with you, there’s no point in spending your life wishing they did. The only chance you might have to change their mind is to change what you have to offer, and you can’t change that by sitting and crying over it.
So we spend a lot of time and energy dreaming and wishing, and even more time and energy feeling sorry for ourselves because we never get the thing we want. The stars think you would be better served in putting that energy into actually trying to get what you think you want rather than just hoping it comes your way. The sooner you get it, the sooner you can be happy or figure out that it doesn’t make you happy. If you find that it’s out of reach, you can move on knowing you did your best.
Some people unwittingly set themselves up for failure by demanding things that are out of their reach. Perhaps it’s their way of convincing themselves that there’s no point in trying, but that’s wrong.
That’s not to say we shouldn’t try to follow our dreams, but we still have to be realistic. A little bit of trial and error is all it takes to figure out what’s feasible and what’s not. There are no shortcuts, we have to work for the things we want. Many times the hard truth is that it wasn’t meant to be, so you might need to change course on the fly. If you can’t adapt, you’re not going to have a good time of it. Instead, concentrate on obtainable things. Often those things can get you closer to your goal in the long run, or provide you with different and better aspirations.
Whatever you do, the stars implore you to never give up before you try, and not to spend your life worrying about what you never had. There’s no chance at happiness doing it that way.

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