Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars realize that you will come across some horrible people with horrible opinions today, especially in these days of social media. They suggest you think very carefully before you react. Confrontation is not going to change a lifetime of whatever they have experienced. They are only going to fight back, and nothing constructive will come of it. The only effect it will have on your life is that you will probably end up sinking to their level, and not only waste your time, but make yourself look bad in the long run.
Best is to just ignore people you don’t even know. Some people have different viewpoints than yours, some people have issues or trauma that have shaped their lousy worldview, and some people are just assholes. It is up to you to decide which ones are worth engaging, but it is worth taking a minute to really think about it before you do.
And before you let them ruin your day, or make you think humanity is a lost cause, take another moment to realize that the truly bad people are sprinkled here and there. The majority of people and things you encounter during the day are just fine. You smile at them, you relate to them, you share them because they bring you at least a tiny bit of joy. In between the horror and joy is a whole bunch of stuff that is just normal, everyday life. Keep that in mind, it’s only a very tiny portion of your life that is truly infuriating. If it’s more than that, you probably go looking for it, which isn’t healthy. But that’s a horoscope for another day.
Instead of engaging and dwelling on the negativity of people you don’t like anyway, you should focus on the people you love. That’s why you make friends, and work on filling your life with people whose ideals and morals and outlook matches your own. Rather than argue with some close-minded, angry or hateful being, go talk to the people who bring you joy and happiness and magic.
Sure, the world has some idiots and trolls scattered through it, but avoiding them makes much more sense than inviting them to your party. The stars suggest you take that time and energy and put it towards the things that make you happy.

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