Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The world is full of people who want to intimidate and control you. Some of it is real, some of it is imagined. The stars advise you to ignore it either way.
Feeling intimidated by others is common, we all have insecurities, and we end up projecting things on people who aren't really doing anything besides living their lives. We're best served by quelling our fears, and not making our life harder by putting ourselves down because of imagined slights. You probably don't realize it, but there are a lot of people you come in contact with everyday that are intimidated by you. So ignore those feelings, and don't worry about people who aren't really trying to do anything to you at all.
Which brings us to the people who intentionally try to intimidate and control you. Like all people who manipulate and bully you, they are the ones that are insecure and intimidated by you. Once you react to it, you have given them control. You are playing their game. Anyone who has to make you feel less so they feel better is not worth your time.
So the stars advice is the same: ignore them and live your life the way you want. You might find yourself living so happy and free that you intimidate the rest of the world, but that's their problem, not yours. You'll inspire more people than you'll intimidate in the long run.

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