Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Life is short. Just look at the total number of dead people as opposed to the living. Just think about all the people in your life that you lost too soon. Some of them in infancy, some as teens. During all points in life, and whenever we lose them it hurts and seems too soon. Even your grandparents, who may have died in their 90’s, it still doesn’t seem like enough at the end. There is always something more you want to do, a little while longer you want to hang around. To see your great grandchildren grow, to see the wonders of a world changing everyday, just to have one more good meal and to see how your favorite TV show ends.
Life is always going to be too short, no matter how long you live it. That is not going to change.
What can change is you. We waste our lives constantly. We ignore ourselves, we shirk our responsibilities, and we destroy our own happiness with reckless abandon. So much of our precious time is spent waiting for it to be over, hoping something comes along that never does.
We hesitate, we hem and haw, we decide it won’t be worth it before we start. Not all the time, true, but enough of the time. Fear and indecision hold us back, and we call ourselves lazy or unworthy, or tell ourselves we have no time in the day, because somehow that makes us feel better than just admitting that we are afraid.
The stars know that pointing out that life is short is nothing new. They know that we all realize this. They understand that we live everyday with fleeting(and not so fleeting) thoughts about our own mortality, and it chills us to the bone. To think that we might not see our children grow up, to remind ourselves of all the things we want to do, but don’t. To wonder what happens after we are gone, to our pets and belongings and to the people we love. Who will take care of the people and things we are caring for if fate decides to strike us down tomorrow? We have to turn away from such questions because we can’t even bear to look at the answers.
So life is short, and we will leave behind something of a mess when we go. The only thing you can do is live life while you are still alive. Stop hiding from the truth, and start doing the things you want to do to make you happy. Clean up your life, and when you aren’t cleaning, go live it. Figure out what it is that you really want from life, and go get it like your life depends on it.
Your life will still seem much too short, that’s not going to change. It’s going to seem so much shorter and so much more tragic when you look back on a list of what could have been, rather than what was.

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