Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The things you fear are probably always going to outnumber the things that make you happy. In a horrible twist, you might actually end up fearing the very things that make you happy.
The stars realize that living with no fear is most likely unattainable to anyone who isn't the Dalai Lama or a psychopath. The next best option is to accept that our brains are geared to be afraid and irrational most of the time, but not to let that fear stop us.
Everyone is afraid. Everyone has doubts. Everyone feels insecure and inadequate and full of self loathing at one time or another. Everyone let's themselves down, occasionally or on a daily basis. Everyone spends parts of their life terrified and alone and frozen.
Yet everyday heroes show up. Everyday someone achieves greatness. Everyday, some people conquer their fears and doubts, and they change the world.
Fear is everywhere, but you give it its power. The stars recommend you take that power back, and get on with your life before you are looking back on a lifetime of missed opportunities and agonizing regrets.

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