Tuesday, May 29, 2018

4/27/18 Friday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus

All signs:
Here we are at another Friday! You made it through the week again, good for you!
As you start your weekend, the stars want to point out that while you should always work to improve yourself, you should also learn to accept some things about who you are. We often fixate on our shortcomings, but sometimes faults are really virtues in disguise.
Maybe you trust too easily, or care too much. Perhaps you think more than you should, and analyze everything to death. Maybe you love too deeply and fall too fast and get hurt, or you're cautious and careful and sometimes let the moment pass you by.
Sometimes the things you berate yourself for aren't a defect in you, but something lacking in the world around you. Some of the gifts you possess are going mess you up at times, but that's the price for being special. If you are somehow able in this brutal world to still care and love and have hope and dreams, make your peace with that. Accept who you are, and let that knowledge warm you in the cold, dark night.
There are always going to be people who judge and belittle you for some of the things that bring you joy. They might disagree with you about what's right and wrong, but that's all relative to their situation and choices. If what you love isn't hurting you or anyone else, ignore the people who try to make you feel bad and be you.
There are always people who are too damaged or frightened and will break your heart, but that doesn't mean loving them is wrong. People won't be able to stop themselves from disappointing you at times, but that doesn't mean you're wrong for caring.
So make your peace with who you are, and accept that it comes along with pitfalls and heartache. Go into life with enthusiasm and an open mind, fear be damned. The only chance you have to show the world how amazing you are is to be true to who you are.
Know yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself, and the right people will love you back.

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