Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars are all about being positive, and seeing the good in the world. They are all for change for the better, and strength and bravery, and overcoming the pitfalls and setbacks life has for you. The stars believe in a better world and a better you, and finding joy and magic anywhere.
But the stars aren't fooling themselves. They know that the world has no shortage of things working against you. They realize that life can pile on, and you're sometimes left gasping for air as you try to stay afloat.
At some of those times, the positives are hard to visualize. It seems like the whole universe is against you, and you don't have a friend in the world. Even though that's never correct, the stars know that's little solace in those moments.
It's those moments when you need to hang on to yourself, because those are the moments you can lose everything. When people's cruelty seems too much, where all the frustration and sadness are at their peak. You need to just put your head down, and forge on. Get past it, and figure out why you even got to a place where you feel like that.
Not that it's all your fault, or you should feel guilty, but maybe you chose the wrong people to believe in. Maybe they just weren't strong enough or too damaged. Maybe you took too big a risk or pushed your luck, and now you're broke or unemployed or have angered your friends.
Some of things that knock us down are beyond our control. Sickness, death, disaster, the whims of the universe. How we choose to react to those things is the one thing we can control. That's not easy at first, but at some point you need to take the reins and rebuild or get past it.
The stars know that's all well and good, but now, when it all seems too much and too overwhelming, what do you do then? You find what strength you have left, and you cling to those who love you, and hang on for dear life. That might seem like it's not much help, but in fact it's all you can do until you can pick yourself up and start figuring it out all over again.
And though it might not seem like it, it's enough. It's so much more than enough, because there are so many who don't do it, who give up and give in. That's when your real trouble begins.

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