Tuesday, May 29, 2018

2/9/18 Friday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus

All signs:
It's Friday, and the stars want to congratulate you once again on making it through another week. Maybe it was a week of triumph, maybe it was a week of hell, but here you are, on the cusp of your weekend.
The stars want to remind you that you're not just one thing. No one label or term defines you. You are complex, and a tiny universe all unto yourself!
You have many different aspects to your personality, you wear many different hats in your day to day life, you encompass a smorgasbord of interests and conflicting viewpoints. You are deep and layered and you can go off on any one of a hundred tangents at any time. You have choices, and an infinite supply of new things you can be any time you want.
People want to label others and simplify who they are. They want to categorize everyone and put them in a little box, so the world seems simpler and easier. That's lazy.
So refuse to fit in that box. Challenge people's perception of you. More importantly, challenge your own perceptions. Be all the things you want to be, there's no limit on that.
Make yourself someone that defies a label, and don't be afraid to fuck up other people's simple view of the world. You don't exist to conform to anyone else's idea of what you're supposed to be, or to stifle yourself to make them feel comfortable. That's their problem, not yours.
The stars want you to have a glorious and diverse weekend based on who you want to be. So go do that.

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