Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The Stars know that things have a way of working themselves out. Until sometimes they don't. And then they do again.
And that's the way it goes, from the cradle to the grave. Rough seas punctuated by small islands of calm and happiness. Some people even learn to enjoy the waves in between, too. However you choose to do it, that's the ride most of us are in for.
When you're out on that violent ocean, storms churning up the water and trying to sink you to the bottom, you might not even be able to see land. It's dark, you're spinning and flailing, trying to steer and hold it all together, frantically trying everything you can to guide your ship to a safe harbor. That's when you need to realize that much of what you do has no effect at all.
Many times trying to turn the wheel just gets your rudder broken. Attempting to catch the wind in your sails shreds them to pieces. Casting your anchor breaks the line, and you have nothing to hold you fast. Often we make our situation worse by making bad decisions, so try to keep your head when turmoil is all around.
Sometime the sea can fool us. We find a spot where the ocean is calm, and we think we're safe. Often times, that place is the eye of the storm, and it continues to rage around us, yet we can ignore it. We hide from the world there, and while we look the other way, the storm makes an even bigger mess of our lives. It also makes a mess of the lives of the people we love, still caught up in our winds and waves.
The best thing to do is to get to land in the most direct and sensible manner. Sometimes that means driving right into the storm, sometimes it means finessing your way through the worst parts, and sometimes it means letting the currents take you where you need to go. Navigation is an art and a science. It's not easy, and takes a lifetime to master.
But it can be done, and then the clouds break for a moment. Then the stars shine through, and you can plot your course and follow them home once again.

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