Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
No matter how smart you are, no matter how much logic and reason you possess, none of it is going to make a difference when it comes to dealing with people and the world at large. You will never be in control, not for long anyway. You will never be able to outthink or manipulate or convince anyone to act the way you want them to forever.
It's like herding cats. There are too many variables, and every person is different and ruled by a multitude of emotions and behaviors that are ingrained and hardwired at this point. It's futile, and it's wrong to expect everyone to think like you want them to.
The stars suggest you learn to appreciate all the diversity in the world, and just let go of the people who are too far out there for you to accept. Let them figure it out on their own, they don't need you scolding them and making them feel worse. You will drive yourself insane trying to mold the world around you into something it doesn't want to be.
No one is truly ever in control of anything, besides how they choose to react, and you're fooling yourself if you think you are. Accept that it's going to be scary, and you're going to get your feelings stepped on and your heart broken sometimes. Understand that the world is going to frustrate and infuriate you constantly, and don't let the actions of part of the general population dictate your emotions. Let go of the ridiculous notion that you are safe, and life is going to go according to your plan, and people will act the way you want them to act.
Why in the world would you want that anyway? Think of all the amazing and unexpected joy you've experienced in life, and what you would have missed out on if life had followed your narrow and uninspired plans.

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