Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know you lose an hour today, and they know it's for a ridiculous reason. They understand how it feels like there's never enough time in the day, and it doesn't seem fair you steal an hour of your weekend.
They also want you to think about what you would have done with that hour, and what you accomplish with all the other hours you are given.
Time is the one thing you can never get back. Once it passes, it's gone, and history is stamped with whatever way you spent it. Did you get the most out of it? Did you use it to make your life or the world any better? Did it bring happiness, or misery, or more often than not, nothing of any consequence?
The stars implore you, don't waste time. One day, you will run out, and you will regret all those moments when you did nothing and wonder what it was you were thinking. The tears we weep most are for the things that could have been.

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