Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to be aware that life is compromise. Your life is going to be an endless series of choices, full of hits and misses and constant course corrections.
Any relationship you have is going to be give and take, and what you gain from them will go hand in hand with what you sacrifice to keep it.
We've never been better equipped to follow our dreams, but there's no way we could ever have it all. You have to prioritize and concede some dreams to achieve others.
The world is governed by imperfect systems run by imperfect people; and even if people were perfect, they are all different, with different goals and dreams and ideologies. You can still change the world and its people in some ways, but you need to learn to accept the things and people you can't.
There is only enough time in the day and energy to expend, so if you want to be happy, you need to figure out how. You have to focus on goals that bring you happiness, but are also practical and provide you with what you need to live. You have to balance work and family and what you want, and live in a world that is going to be frustrating or indifferent a lot of the time.
The stars wish it was different. They wish it was all joy and excess and no work or consequences, but it's not. The good news is, the there is nearly infinite amounts of all the good and the bad and the mediocre to choose from. You can decide how much of each, and you can usually find a mix that gives you everything you need.
The stars want you to understand that compromising isn't failure or punishment, it's the very key to making life work. Compromise with yourself and others isn't weakness, it's strength. Some compromises are the hardest things you'll have to do, but your happiness and the well being of those you love, of your children, indeed of the entire world, are what you have to gain.

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