Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that validation is overrated. We are so insecure that we look to others constantly for approval, but when we just want blanket approval, we don't care where we get it. We cast our pearls at swine, simply because they are telling us what we want to hear.
That's not good for anyone. It's a trade off, and we lose in the bargain. Every time. Your goal should be to know yourself, and know what you're doing. You should be able to figure out if you're living right and making good choices. More importantly, you should be able to commit to the good choices and strong enough to avoid the bad ones.
We often end up looking for people to enable and justify our crappy behavior instead of just doing what we know is the smart thing. If you really do need help figuring it out, get some people in your life who are not afraid to disagree with you now and then. We form our relationships based on mutual interests and opinions, but no one is going to agree with you 100% of the time. Someone who does is lying, to you and themselves.
So the stars recommend that you follow the right path, you'll be much happier in the long run. To do that, surround yourself with people who genuinely love you, and want you to be happy and healthy and fulfilled. People who love you want you to be strong, not weak and dependent and controlled. Soon, you might find that the thing you looked to other people for now comes from within, and that's the best validation you can ever get.

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