Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Some people think it's noble to be alone. They think it's a badge of honor to refuse help or to need someone. Some think that there's some sort of nobility in being serious and cynical and to wash their hands of love. Some of them think that they are above it all by being a martyr for every little thing.
They think that there is some strange honor to be had by sacrificing their own needs and their own happiness for people who could care less about them. They think that there is some virtue in misery.
This is all fear and Insecurity again. They are afraid to try, afraid to get hurt, afraid to not be in control. They fear letting others down, so they let themselves down. They waste their lives away and tell themselves that they are answering some higher calling, or somehow above it all.
The stars think you should rethink that attitude, and make the most out of what time you have in this world. No one cares about your needless sacrifice, no one cares about your self inflicted misery, no one thinks you're laden with integrity and gravitas.
They think it's exhausting and sad, and it is. So get over yourself and start living, whether it frightens you or not.

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